​​​​​Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth 

from Accretion to Collision

IGCP 662
Significance of the project
Scientific advancement
     This project has two significant links that concerns fundamental Earth science problems. The first is between accretion and collision (e.g., the CAOB and Tethyan belt). This will be the first time to compare two types of orogens and also to consider the evolution of two global oceans (Paleo-Asian and Tethyan Oceans). The second link is between orogenesis and continental growth. This study will expand our knowledge of the relationships between these processes.
Technological advancement
      This project will provide a good example for a multidisciplinary approach, comprising field geological and tectonic investigations, isotopic mapping and geophysical measurements.
   Seeking quantitative criteria to describe geological processes is a major aim in the Earth Sciences. This project attempts to define a set of semi-quantitative criteria to assess the volume of continental growth and to describe orogenic development. This will promote the development to quantitative analysis.
      This project will set up an integrated database (geochronology, Hf in-zircon and wholerock Sm, Nd, Pb isotopes, and deposits). The new database will be open and shared. This will greatly promote visualization and integrative analysis.
International cooperation
     This project provides an opportunity for two large research groups (the CAOB and Tethyan groups) to join and will attract additional scientists working in other relevant orogens. At present 20 developing and developed countries /regions will be involved. This will considerably expand international cooperation.
Knowledge transfer
      The proposed IGCP will provide a good platform for geologists from developing and developed countries to exchange their ideas and achievements, share results, and publish high-level papers. Training courses (including field training courses) related the project will be planed each year (see 8.4).
      Education is an important way of knowledge transfer. The International Education College, China University of Geoscience (Wuhan), will join this project and has agreed to enroll new students taking part in this project, especially from developing countries (see the attachment).
Major reasons for IGCP funding:
     (1) The scientific problems are global. They require a new platform for researchers on different orogens and in different fields to work together.
     (2) The scope of the project is geographically broad, covering many Asia countries. It is truly multinational.
     (3) The project will promote international collaboration and provide opportunities for the training of young geologists.
     (4) Study of the formation of economic deposits in different orogenic environments will aid exploration of natural resources, environmental protection and early warning of geohazards.
