​​​​​Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth 

from Accretion to Collision

IGCP 662
3. Prof. Zengqian HOU
Prof. Zengqian Hou (China)
Institute of Geology, CAGS

    Leading the collisional system working group and directing the Chinese working groups to study collision and continental growth as well as mineral deposits of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen, China.

    Born in 1961, Zengqian obtained his Ph.D. degree from China University of Geosciences (Beijing) in 1988, and undertook post-doctoral research at the Geological Survey of Japan in 1993-1994. He specialized in Chinese mineral deposit genesis and integrated exploration methods. He is currently Director of the Institute of Geology, CAGS (Beijing) and regional Vice-President of the Society of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits(SGA). Hou’s major interests are in the delineation and characterization of mineral systems such as the formation of metallic ore deposits in continental collision zones and intracontinental settings. He was in charge of two national 973 projects on “Metallogensis of the Tibetan Collisional Orogen (2002-2007)” and “Continental Assembly and Metallogenesis in Tibet “(2011-2015), and is now the chief scientist for the National Key R&D Program of China on “Deep Structure and Ore-forming Process of Main Mineralization systems in the Tibetan Orogen” (2016-2020). He obtained a Golden Hammer Award (1993) and a Huang Jiqing Award (2006) of the Geological Society of China, and a National Science and Technology Award of China (2006). He served as Associate Editor of Mineral Deposits and is currently on the editorial board of Science in China. He was involved in collaboration with numerous geologists internationally and has organized and edited four special issues in international journals on ore deposits (Ore Geology Reviews, Exploration and Mining Geology). He published more than 160 scientific papers in both domestic and international journals. 

Key recent publications include:
    1. Hou, Z., Zhou, Y., Wang, R., Zheng, Y., He, W., Zhao, M., Evans, N.J., Weinberg, R.F., 2017. Recycling of metal-fertilized lower continental crust: Origin of non-arc Au-rich porphyry deposits at cratonic edges. Geology 45, 563-566.
    2. Xu, B., Griffin, W. L., Xiong, Q., Hou, Z-Q, O’Reilly, S.Y,, Guo, Z. et al., 2017. Ultrapotassic rocks and xenoliths from South Tibet: Contrasting styles of interaction between lithospheric mantle and asthenosphere during continental collision. Geology, 45 51-54.
    3. Hou, Z.-Q., Yang, Z.-M., Lu, Y.-J.et al., 2015. A genetic linkage between subduction-and continental collision-related porphyry Cu deposits in Tibet. Geology, 43, 247-250.
    4. Hou, Z.-Q., Duan, L.-F., Lu, Y.-J., Zheng, Y.-C., et al., 2015. Lithospheric Architecture of the Lhasa Terrane and Its Control on Ore Deposits in the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen. Economic Geology, 110, 1541-1575.
    5. Hou, Z.-Q., Zhang, H.-R., 2015. Geodynamics and metallogeny of the eastern Tethyan metallogenic domain. Ore Geology Reviews, 70, 346-384.
    6. Hou, Z.-Q., Liu, Y., Tian, S.-H., Yang, Z.-M., Xie, Y.-L., 2015. Formation of carbonatiterelated giant rare-earth-element deposits by the recycling of marine sediments. Scientific Reports,5, 10231.
    7. Hou. Z.-Q., Tian, S.-H., Xie, Y.-L., et al., 2009. The Himalayan Mianning-Dechang REE belt associated with carbonatite-alkalic complex in the eastern Indo-Asian collision zone, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 36, 65-89
    8. Hou, Z.-Q., Zaw Khin, Rona P., et al., 2008. Geology, fluid inclusions and oxygen isotope geochemistry of the Baiyinchang Pipe-Style Volcanic Hosted Massive Sulfide Cu Deposit in Gansu Province, Northwestern China: evidence for sub-seafloor Replacement and Fluid Mixing. Economic Geology, 103, 269-292
    9. Hou, Z.-Q., Tian, Shihong, Yuan, Zhongxin, 2006. The Himalayan collision zone carbonatites in Western Sichuan, SW China: petrogenesis, mantle source and tectonic implication. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 244, 234-250
    10. Hou, Z.-Q., Gao, Y.-F., Qu, X.-M., et al., 2004. Origin of adakitic intrusives generated during mid-Miocene east-west extension in southern Tibet. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 220,139-155.