​​​​​Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth 

from Accretion to Collision

IGCP 662
How to join us ?

Participate in IGCP 662

Send an email

Begin by sending an email containing your name, affiliation, location, and email address to igcp662@163.com to add your contact details to our participants list

Come to our meetings

There will be a large annual meeting in addition to several smaller affiliated symposia and field trips each year. The annual meetings are the focus of IGCP 662.

Use IGCP 662  to leverage funding for your own projects

IGCP 662 is a banner under which a global community of scientists can interact, exchange ideas and best practices, train the next generation of geoscientists, and conduct their research into orogen. Declaration within grant proposals that your project is part of IGCP 662 demonstrates to funding agencies that this research will not be conducted in isolation, but will be part of a globally coordinated effort to investigate the orogen.

Write papers for our special volumes

A special volume of an international scientific journal will be arranged for papers arising from the annual meeting each year. Several associated symposium and field meetings will arrange separate special volumes as well. The annual meeting special volumes represent the core scientific output for the project on an annual basis and we encourage contributions from everyone in the community (i.e. you don’t have to attend the annual meeting to submit a manuscript to our special volumes).


It is important to acknowledge the project in your publications, presentations and posters! At the end of each year, we as a project community must demonstrate to the IGCP that Project 662 is active, effective, and worthy of continuation for the following year. The best way to do that is to make IGCP 662 visible by acknowledging the project in your publications, presentations, abstracts, and posters that are related to Diamond and Recycled Mantle with the following sentence "This paper is a contribution to the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Project 662– Diamond and Recycled Mantle". Starting in July of each year, IGCP 662 participants will be contacted via email to provide citation information for all publications and abstracts that have acknowledged IGCP 662 during that year. A full bibliography of all project-related publications will be maintained on this website.

Logo Use

Please use one of the IGCP 662 logos provided on this website and do not make unofficial versions of the logo. Feel free to use the logo on posters, presentations, and in printed material. If a special volume is planned, it is requested that the IGCP 662 logo be present on the front cover (if technically possible). All printed volumes that carry the logo must be made available to the IGCP secretariat in hard copy, so please always print one extra copy to send in each year. For all questions regarding logo use, contact igcp662@163.com.

Questions or Comments?

Please direct all questions and/or comments about IGCP 662 to igcp662@163.com or one of the project leaders.
