​​​​​Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth 

from Accretion to Collision

IGCP 662
     The major work include: (1) to conduct comparative studies of crustal compositions and architecture of the CAOB and Tethyan belt, as well as several others, such as the Central China Orogenic System (CCOS), North American Appalachians and Australian Lachlan orogen; (2) to undertake regional isotopic mapping of targeted igneous rocks in typical regions, delineating juvenile or reworked ancient crustal provinces; (3) to identify and describe orogenic types and their development by area ratios of the different-type crustal provinces.
      Our work schedule includes diverse types of research activities: (1) individual working groups undertake field surveys, laboratory work in typical regions of orogenic and metallogenic belts; (2) individual participants and working groups undertake field surveys and isotopic mapping under the guidance and suggestion of leaders of the relevant working groups; (3) scientific meetings and workshops followed by field trips will be organized; (4) Training courses, including geological mapping.
      In order to enhance the geological knowledges, particularly related to the project, and to attract young students and geologists to join this project, there will be training courses during or before each workshop. These courses may be joined with those organized by the International Precambrian Research Center of China (Beijing SHRIMP Center) in CAGS, Beijing, which have been successfully undertaken 8 years
      Establishment of a project website, regularly updated and linked to the IGCP homepage. A person for maintenance and updating of information involving the IGCP project activities will be appointed.
      Exchange of research interests, scientific ideas and work schedules amongst individual scientists for preparitioning of the first IGCP workshop.
      Field work in specific regions of the CAOB, Tethyan belt, CCOB and other orogens. Wang’s group will work in the eastern CAOB of China and Mongolia, including field investigation and isotopic mapping along the section from Beijing to Erlian, similar to the previous geophysical section conducted by SinoProbe. Xiao’s group will work in the western CAOB of China and Kazakhstan. Gladkochub’s group will do research in the northern CAOB, for example, field survery and sampling along a regional cross-section across Transbaikalia key structures of the northern CAOB for detailed investigations in terms of their isotopic (protholith) and tectonic heterogeneity.
      Hou’s group will work in the Tibetan Plateau and Zagros orogeny of Iran. Other participants will undertake their own studies on relevant orogens. The Australian group will work in the Lachlan orogens.
      Organization and holding of first IGCP workshop in Beijing on 23-25,September, and discussion on the research plan, including annual field and laboratory work, workshops, and a conference during the final year.
      Pre-workshop field training course:
      A pre-workshop field discussion and training course is planned for 18-22, September.Title provisional is:” Field observations and mapping of an accretionary orogen: example from Liuyuan, southwestern CAOB, NW China (organized by Cees van Staal and Shoufa Lin).
      Post-workshop training courses:
         1. Geochronology: Principles, Interpretation and Implications (Alfred Kröner and Yusheng Wan)
         2. Education Geoscience Cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative & International Talents Cultivation in China (Changqian Ma & Jiang Yuan)
      Numerous samples will be analyzed, and data obtained in the field and laboratory will be interpreted. Data collection will begin, including preparation of a preliminary database on age, whole-rock, Hf-O in-zircon isotopes, etc. An annual progress report to the IGCP Secretariat will be compiled.

      Continuation of sampling analysis and interpretation of data. Organization and holding of Second IGCP workshop in Lhasa Tibet or Dali, Yunnan province, China in 23-25, Jun, to exchange research results, discuss open questions, improve and prepare the work plan for the second field season in important areas and future laboratory work. This workshop will be joined by the Third China-Russia CAOB meeting, in order to undertake a comparative study of the CAOB with the Tethyan orogen.
Pre- workshop training courses (20-22, Jun):
         1. 4-dimensional lithosphere mapping and metallogeny (Suzanne Y. O’Reilly)
         2. Petrological probe and Isotope mapping (Tao Wang and Zengqian Hou)
      Continuation of fieldwork in areas previously discussed. Hou’s group will also undertake fieldwork on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and in the Zagros Mts. of Iran. The Chinese and Russian groups shall work together in China, Mongolia and Russia. Other researchers outside these groups will do their own studies in related orogenic belts, under guidance of the relevant working groups.
      Execution of laboratory work, especially age dating, chemical and isotopic analysis, etc.; analysis of field and laboratory data and, interpretation of all data so far obtained by this project and other sources of funding. Preparation of scientific papers for publication.Completion of annual progress report to the IGCP Secretariat.

      Continuation of laboratory work and interpretation of data; Preparation of manuscripts and publication in international journals.
      Conduction of the third field season in key districts and deposits. In order to solve remaining questions, each working group will carry out additional fieldwork. Individual researchers or teams will gather additional data according to suggestions of the working groups. To arrange field trips in Russia.
      Organization of field excursion and small workshop in Iran, Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar), and/or Russian or Australia in Jun-Agust 2020 to undertake a comparative study of the CAOB, Tethyan belt with the Lachlan orogen in eastern Australia,and to present research results, summarize research progress, discuss the remaining questions, propose schemes to solve these questions, and to discuss the international conference in the following year.
      Pre- workshop training courses:
          1. Mountain building and comparative orogenesis (Peter Cawood, Cees van Staal, Wenjiao Xiao….)
          2. Precambrian massifs in Phanerozoic orogens (Alfred Kröner, Jianbo Zhou)
      Sample analysis and discussion of all results and the database, preparation of publications for international journals. Completion of annual progress report to the IGCP Secretariat.
      Editing and publication of special issue on orogenetic architectures and crustal growth in an international journal (Lithos or Tectonophysics).
      Organization and execution of scientific session and third IGCP workshop during the 35th International Geological Conference (IGC), New Delhi, India.

      Continuation of laboratory work and interpretation of data; Preparation of manuscripts and publication in international journals
      Conduction of the third field season in key districts and deposits. In order to solve remaining questions, each working group will carry out additional fieldwork. Individual researchers or teams will gather additional data according to suggestions of the working groups.
      Organization of fourth IGCP workshop in August 2020, in Irkutsk, Russia,presenting research results, summarizing research progress, discussing the remaining questions, proposing schemes to solve these questions, and discussing the international conference in the following year. To arrange field trips in Russia.
      Pre- workshop training courses:
           1. Orogenesis and metallogenic processes (Zengqian Hou and David Leach)
           2. Mineral exploration under cover (Reimar Seltmann)
      Sample analysis and discussion of all results and the database, preparation of publications for international journals. Completion of annual progress report to the IGCP Secretariat.

      Interpretation of data and preparation of manuscripts for international publications. Completion of zircon age, whole-rock, Hf-O in-zircon isotope database.
      A few of field work in key districts and deposits. Compilation of tectonic and isotopic maps.
      Organization of fifth and the final IGCP workshop and International conference in Beijing.
      Completion of annual progress report and final summary report to the IGCP Secretariat.
