​​​​​Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth 

from Accretion to Collision

IGCP 662
Prof. Tao Wang (China)
Institute of Geology, CAGS

     Leading the accretion and continental growth working group and directing the Chinese working groups to undertake a comparative study of continental growth (isotopic mapping) in the southern CAOB and CCOB in China.
   Born in 1959, Tao Wang is senior researcher and currently Deputy Director of the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS), China and specialized in tectonics and petrology. He completed his B.Sc. degree at Chengdu Geological University in 1982, his M.Sc. (1986) and Ph.D. (1997) in geology at Xi’an Geology University (College) and Northwest University. He worked at Peking University as post-doctoral researcher (1999-2011) and at Academia Sinica, Taiwan, as visiting scholar. His research is focused on the tectonics, granitoids, and continental growth. He completed and is in charge of several mega-projects supported by NNSFC and China Geological Survey. He was involved in numerous international collaborative projects. Taking part in the 1:5M International Geological Map of Asia, he was in charge of granite map compilation and research. He is now a chief scientist of First Grade Project of China Geological Survey (SGS), and in charge of the Key Program of Basic Geology Survey and mapping supported by SGS. He organized the First China-Russia meeting on the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (2015), and organized a symposium on the CAOB at IGC (Cape Town, South Africa, 2016). He was awarded the First Prize for survey and scientific research from the Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources (first prize fellow), and published more than 180 scientific papers.
Key publications include:
    1. Wang, T., Hong, D., Jahn, B., Tong, Y., Wang, Y., Han, B., 2006. Timing, Petrogenesis, and Setting of Palaeozoic Synorogenic Intrusions from the Altai Mountains, Northwest China: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of an Accretionary Orogen. The Journal of Geology, 2114:735–751
    2. Wang Tao, Tong Ying, Jahn Bor-ming, Zou Tian-ren, Wang Yan-bin, Hong Da-wei, Han Bao-fu. 2007. SHRIMP U–Pb Zircon geochronology of the Altai No. 3 Pegmatite, NW China, and its implications for the origin and tectonic setting of the pegmatite. Ore Geol. Rev, 32:325–336
    3. Wang, T., Jahn, B, M., Kovach, V. P., Tong, Y., Hong, D. W., Han, B. F., 2009. Nd–Sr isotopic mapping of the Chinese Altai and implications for continental growth in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Lithos 110, 359-372.
    4. Wang T., Zheng Y. D, Zhang, J. J., Zeng l. S., Donskaya T., Guo, L., Li J. B. 2011. Pattern and kinematic polarity of late Mesozoic extension in continental NE Asia: perspectives from metamorphic core complexes, Tectonics 30(6), 1-27.
    5. Wang, T., Guo, L., Zheng, Y. D., Donskaya, T., Gladkochub, D., Zeng, L. S., Li, J. B., Wang, Y. B., Mazukabzov, A., 2012. Timing and processes of late Mesozoic mid-lower-crustal extension in continental NE Asia and implications for the tectonic setting of the destruction of the North China Craton: Mainly constrained by zircon U-Pb ages from metamorphic core complexes. Lithos 154, 315-345
    6. Wang, T., Jahn, B. M., Kovach, V. P., Tong, Y., Wilde, S. A., Hong, D. W., Li, S., Salnikova, E. B. 2014. Mesozoic intraplate granitic magmatism in the Altai accretionary orogen, NW china: implications for the orogenic architecture and crustal growth. American Journal of Science, 314, 1–42.
    7. Wang, T., Guo. L., Zhang, L., Yang, Q. D., Zhang, J. J., Tong, Y. 2015. Timing and evolution of Jurassic–Cretaceous granitoid magmatism in the Mongol–Okhotsk belt and adjacent areas, NE Asia: Implications for transition from contractional crustal thickening to extensional thinning and geodynamic settings. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 97: 365-392.
    8. Wang, T., Tong, Y., Zhang, L., Li S., Huang, H., Zhang, J., Guo, L., Yang, Q. D., Hong, D.W., Donskaya, T., Gladkochub, D., Tserendash, N. 2017. Phanerozoic granitoids in the middle and eastern parts of Central Asia and their tectonic significance. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, in press, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.06.029
    9. Li, S., Wang, T*., Wilde, S. A., Tong, Y., 2013. Evolution, source and tectonic significance of early Mesozoic granitoid magmatism in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (central segment). Earth-Science Reviews 126, 206-234.
    10. Zhang, J.J., Wang, T*., Castro, A., Zhang, L., Shi, X., Tong, Y., Guo, L., Zhang, Z., Yang,Q., Iaccheri, L., 2016. Multiple mixing and hybridization from magma source to final emplacement in the Permian Yamatu pluton, the Northern Alxa block, China. Journal of Petrology 57, 933–980.
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