​​​​​Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth 

from Accretion to Collision

IGCP 662
Second circular of IGCP662 workshop

First Workshop of Project IGCP-662 “Orogenic architecture and crustal growth from accretion to collision


15-22 September, 2018


Organized by IGCP-Project 662

Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

view the pdf)

The FIRST IGCP-662 workshop and field excursion will be held in China from 15 to 22 September 2018 in China.

A 5-day pre-workshop field discussion and training course “Field observations and mapping of an accretionary orogen: example from Liuyuan, Beishan, southwestern CAOB, NW China” (16-20 September) will be organized by Cees van Staal and Shoufa Lin (Canada). This field excursion will investigate ophiolites, granitoids, tectonics and crustal growth in the Beishan area of NW China. Participators will be limited to 30 persons.

A 1-day workshop (21 September) will follow on the field trip and will be held in the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS), Beijing. It will discuss a research plan for IGCP-662, including annual field and laboratory work and workshops.

A 1-day post-workshop training course will be held on 22 Sept. in the Institute of Geology, CAGS, Beijing. It will include: 1) Geochronology: Principles, interpretation and implications (Prof. Alfred Kröner and Yusheng Wan), and 2) Education Geoscience Cooperation as part of the Belt and Road Initiative & International Talents Cultivation in China (Changqian Ma & Jiang Yuan).

You are welcome to participate in the First Workshop and Field Excursion. Please complete the attached form or download from our website of www.igcp662.org.cn.  Please send it back to us by email at your earliest convenience.

Registration for the field is on a first come, first served basis.

Important dates (2018)

15 June         Registration close

31 July          Submission of abstracts and research proposals close

15 Sept.        Arrival and check-in Beijing or 16 Sept. in Dunhuang City for the field excursion

(You can fly from Beijing, Urumqi, Shanghai, Chengdu, Hongkong to Dunhuang)


20 Sept.         Arrival and check-in Beijing for workshop

21 Sept.         Workshop in Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing

22 Sept.         Post-workshop training course in Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing.

Detail itinerary is shown on the workshop website www.igcp662.org.cn

Online registration is now open. Please register on the workshop website as soon as possible as the seats for the field trip is limited.

Registration and field trip fees

Field Trip Registration (Held in Dunhuang, West China)

USD $300 per person (designed for International attendees & China-based attendees with all accommodation included in Dunhuang)

l Transfers to and from Dunhuang Airport

l Transfers to designated field trip sites and back Dunhung

l Meals - breakfast, lunch pack and dinner (incidentals and any alcoholic beverages are at own cost)

l 2 night’s accommodation in Dunhuang (twin share) (Sunday 16 Sept. and Wednesday 19 Sept.) and 2 night’s accommodation in Liuyuan (twin share) (Monday 17 Sept.- Tuesday 18 Sept.)

l Single supplement available – additional cost () will be applicable

The additional cost for the fly tickets to Dunhaung and back to Beijing

l To Dunhuang economy flights: USD $110(From Urumqi),USD $320(From Beijing), USD $335(From Chengdu), USD $380(From Shanghai), USD $430(From Hongkong).

l Back Beijing economy flights: USD $320

Prices for fly will change over time.

Workshop and training course in Beijing only Registration

l Free

l Accommodation and personal incidentals at own cost.

(Full details of flight and accommodation bookings will be provided once field trip bookings close)

Abstracts and research proposals Submission

Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations are invited.

To submit abstracts and research proposals, please go to www.igcp662.org.cn.

Sponsored by

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization).

IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences).

Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

Beijing SHRIMP Center

University of Waterloo

China-SCO Geosciences Cooperation Research Center

IGCP-662 Project Scientific committee

Workshop Leaders

Prof. Tao WANG, Institute of Geology, CAGS, China

Prof. Dmitry GLADKOCHUB, Institute of the Earth's Crust, Siberian Branch, RAS, Russia

Prof. Zengqian HOU, Institute of Geology, CAGS, China

Prof. Reimar SELTMANN, The Natural History Museum, United Kingdom

Prof. Inna SAFONOVA, Novosibirsk State University, Russia

Prof. Wenjiao XIAO, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, China

Prof. Suzanne Y. O'REILLY, FAA (Australia), Macquarie University, Australia

Prof. Cees VAN STAAL (Canada), Geological Survey of Canada.

Field Excursion Leaders

Prof. Cees VAN STAAL, University of Waterloo, Canada

Prof. Shoufa LIN, University of Waterloo, Canada

Contact Information

For any queries regarding the workshop or field trips, please contact the Event Organizers

Office for Foreign Relations

Mr. Zichun CAI, dzskjc@263.com, +86 10 68999672

Fax: +86 10 68997803

Registration, invitation letters & visa:

Dr. He HUANG, huanghecugb@126.com,  +86 135-8181-6019

Dr. Hongrui ZHANG, 13581620980@126.com,  +86 135-8162-0980

Hotel reservation, field trip arrangement:                                                          

Dr. Lei GUO, guolei_cn@sina.com,  +86 138-1063-1910

Dr. Lei ZHANG, leizhang@cags.ac.cn, +86 138-1009-7133

Abstracts and research proposals submission:

Dr. Shan LI, lishan428@163.com, +86 138-1078-8321

Dr. Peng CHAI, cx001chaipeng@163.com, +86 185-0121-8386

Application for supporting travel (3 young scientists and scientists and 4 from developing countries):

Prof. Ying TONG, yingtong@cags.ac.cn,  +86 136-7120-4294