​​​​​Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth 

from Accretion to Collision

IGCP 662
Second Circular Workshop and Field Excursion of IGCP 662, Mongolia
Source: | Author:pmo2b9d8a | Published time: 2019-03-15 | 3387 Views | Share:
The second IGCP 662 workshop and field excursion will be held in Mongolia from 4 to 10July 2019. On 4th July - Workshop in Ulaanbaatar at the Mongolian University of Science & Technology. From 5 to 8 July - Field trip “Gobi-Altai accretionary orogeny” leaded by K.Schulmann & P.Hanzl (Czech Geological Survey), O.Javkhlan (Mongolian University of Science & Technology, recently postdoc researcher at the Institute of Mineral Resources, CAGS) D.Otgonbaatar (Institute of Paleontology and Geology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences) and S.Turbold (Charles University, Prague). During field trip Precambrian basement in Baidrag block, serpentinite and tectonic mélange with eclogite and white metaschist of the Khantaishir ophiolite, Cambrian magmatic rocks of Ikh Mongol arc, lower Paleozoic oceanic sediments and volcanic rocks, Tseel high grade metamorphic core complex, tectonic slice of Carboniferous flysch along the south boundary of Gobi-Altai zone will be examined. Expected number of participants is 25-30 persons. During excursion, all participants will stay in the Mongolian national ger (yurt) camp. Field camping at Chandmani area will be organized by Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, MAS. After excursion all participants will drive to Ulaanbaatar by cars with one-day stay in the tourist camp near the Buddhist Monastery Erdene Zuu (in Kharkhorin, ancient capital of Mongolia).