​​​​​Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth 

from Accretion to Collision

IGCP 662
8. Prof. Cees Roelof VAN STAAL
Prof.  Cees van Staal (Canada)
Geological Survey of Canada
    Leading and directing Canada working groups to make a comparative study of the North American Appalachian orogen with the CAOB.

    Born in 1954, van Staal completed his Ph.D. degree at the University of New Brunswick (1984). He specialized in structural/metamorphic evolution of recent and ancient accretionary wedges/subduction complexes, particularly the exhumation mechanisms of high pressure rocks during convergence. He is currently a senior visiting scholar at the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. He is internationally recognized as a leading authority on the geology and tectonic evolution of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen, the paleogeography of Laurentia and West-Gondwana between 650 and 300 Ma and orogenesis associated with arc-accretion. He completed several projects supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and National Science Foundation (NSF) and is in charge of research projects on two Early Paleozoic orogenic belts in Argentina and the Geological Survey of Argentina (SEGEMAR). He was awarded the ‘Past President Medal’ of the Geological Association of Canada for outstanding research contributions. 
Key publications include:
    1. Van Staal, C. R., Barr, S. M., and Murphy, J. B., 2012. Provenance and tectonic evolution of Ganderia: constraints on the evolution of the Iapetus and Rheic oceans. Geology 40: 987-990.
    2. Van Staal, C. R., Vujovich, G. I., Currie, K. l., and Naipauer, M., 2011. An Alpine-style Ordovician collision complex in the Sierra de Pie de Palo, Argentina: Record of subduction of Cuyania beneath the Famatina arc. Journal of Structural Geology 33: 343-361
    3. Van Staal, C. R., and Hatcher, R. D, Jr., 2010. Global setting of Ordovician Orogenesis. In: Finney, S., Barnes, C., and Berry, R. editors, Global Ordovician Earth Systems, Geological Society of America Special Paper 466: 1-12
    4. Van Staal, C. R., Whalen, J. B., Valverde-Vaquero, P., Zagorevski, A.and Rogers, N. 2009. Pre-Carboniferous, episodic accretion-related, orogenesis along the Laurentian margin of the northern Appalachians. in J. B. Murphy J. D. Keppie and A. J. Hynes, eds. Ancient orogens and modern analogues. Geological Society London Special Publication 327: 271-316
    5. Van Staal, C. R., Currie, K. L., Rowbotham, G., Goodfellow, W., and Rogers, N., 2008.PT paths and exhumation of Late Ordovician-Early Silurian blueschists and associated metamorphic nappes of the Salinic Brunswick subduction complex, northern Appalachians. Geological Society of America Bulletin 120: 1455-1477
    6. Van Staal, C. R., Rogers, N. and Taylor, B. E., 2001. Formation of low temperature mylonites and phyllonites by alkali-metasomatic weakening of felsic volcanic rocks during a progressive, subduction-related deformation. Journal of Structural Geology 23: 903-921
    7. Van Staal, C.R. 1994. The Brunswick subduction complex in the Canadian Appalachians: record of the Late Ordovician to Late Silurian collision between Laurentia and the Gander margin of Avalon. Tectonics, 13: 946-962.
    8. Van Staal, C.R., Ravenhurst, C., Winchester, J.A., Roddick, J.C. and Langton, J.P. 1990. Post-Taconic blueschist suture in the northern Appalachians of northern New Brunswick, Canada.Geology 18, No. 10: 1073-1077.
    9. Van Staal, C.R. and Williams, P.F., 1984. Structure, origin and concentration of the Brunswick No. 12 and No. 6 orebodies. Economic Geology 79: 1669-1692.
    10. Cees van Staal and Alexandre Zagorevski, 2017. Field trip guidebook, accreted terranes of the Appachian orogen in central Newfoundland, GEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA, MINERALOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA