​​​​​Orogenic Architecture and Crustal Growth 

from Accretion to Collision

IGCP 662
4.Prof. Reimar SELMANN
Prof. Reimar Seltmann (UK)
The Natural History Museum
    Leading the metallogenic research group and directing the central Asian country’s working groups to study mineral deposits and their geodynamic setting in the CAOB.
    Reimar graduated in 1984 from the Technical University - Bergakademie Freiberg,Saxony (Germany) where he specialized in exploration geology. From 1987-1991 he was a principal project researcher at the Central Institute for Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences (Potsdam, East Germany) and specialised in the metallogeny of porphyry breccia pipes. During 1992-99, at the new GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ Potsdam), he expanded his research to granite-related metallogeny and published on textures in rare metal granites. During 1996 he was a visiting research fellow at the Geological Survey of Canada and Associate Professor at Carleton University Ottawa. Since 1999 he is a Researcher in Petrology and Mineral Deposits at the Natural History Museum in London (UK), where he initiated and coordinates the newly formed Centre for Russian and Central EurAsian Mineral Studies (CERCAMS). He has expertise and knowledge from 30 years of research in the CAOB/Altaids with focus on geodynamic control of metallogenic belts, the development of ArcGIS maps and databases from district to belt scale, tectonic reconstructions of terranes hosting under cover the potential exploration targets of the future, the cooperation with USGS on the Global Mineral Resource Assessment Program for Central Eurasia and Tethys, the CERCAMS Altaids project 2005-2010, and serving as co-/leader of three IGCP projects (373, 473, 592). He has produced a large number of original research papers, monographs, metallogenic maps and reference guidebooks on metal provinces of the former Soviet Union, Mongolia and China and has led many case studies for industry and expert field trips specifically to the Altaids/CAOB region. In 2011 he was elected as Member of the Leibniz Society of Sciences, Berlin, Germany (Academician). Since 2013 he serves as a Research Leader at the Natural History Museum and since 2016 as an Independent Director of Board of Directors of Kazgeology, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Key publications include:
    1. Zhong S, SELTMANN R, Shen P. 2017. Two different types of granitoids in the Suyunhe large porphyry Mo deposit, NW China and their genetic relationships with molybdenum mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews 88:116-139
    2. SELTMANN R, Porter TM, Pirajno F. 2014. Geodynamics and metallogeny of the central Eurasian porphyry and related epithermal mineral systems: A review. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 79:810-841
    3. SELTMANN R. 2012. IGCP 473: GIS metallogeny of Central Asia (2002-2007). In 40 years IGCP. Editors: Derbyshire E. 98-130. UNESCO Paris France, 140 p.
    4. SELTMANN R, Konopelko D, Biske G, Divaev F & Sergeev S 2011. Hercynian postcollisional magmatism in the context of Paleozoic magmatic evolution of the Tien Shan orogenic belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42(5), pp. 821-838.
    5. SELTMANN R, Soloviev S, Shatov V, Pirajno F, Naumov E, & Cherkasov S 2010. Metallogeny of Siberia: Tectonic, Geologic and Metallogenic Settings of Selected Significant Deposits. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 57(5): 655-706, Appendix – Supplementary paper:data repository of large mineral deposits in Siberia, stored at http://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-25194
    6. SELTMANN R, Shatov V & Yakubchuk A (2002-2014). Mineral deposits database and thematic maps of Central Asia, scale 1 : 1.5 million: ArcGIS 9.2 GIS package. Explanatory Notes 143pp. Upgraded, updated and revised official release version. NHM London.
    7. SELTMANN R, Borisenko A & Fedoseev G (eds) 2007. Magmatism and Metallogeny of the Altai and Adjacent Large Igneous Provinces with an Introductory Essay on the Altaids. IAGOD Series 16. CERCAMS/NHM London 2007, 295p., ISBN 5-91220-008-6.
    8. SELTMANN R, Gerel O & Kirwin D J (eds.) 2005. Geodynamics and metallogeny of Mongolia with a special emphasis on copper and gold deposits. IAGOD Series 13: CERCAMS NHM London, 225 pp, 172 figs., 29 tables. ISBN 5-8198-0075-3.
    9. Seltmann R, Lehmann B, Lowenstern JB & Candela PA (eds.) 1997. High-level silicic magmatism and related hydrothermal systems. Oxford University Press, Special Issue, J. Petrology, 38, 12, 1617-1807.
    10. SELTMANN R, Kämpf H & Möller P 1994. Metallogeny of Collisional Orogens. Czech Geological Survey, Prague, 448 pp. ISBN 80-7075-152-5.